Jeju Brooklyn

Pink Noise: A sound and image installation by STIK.

Wanted Not Needed: A tabletop and lifestyle popup by OKI PROJECTS.

Jeju Brooklyn is OKI PROJECTS’ diagram for a space that affords many sensory experiences: encounters with image media, new sound compositions and the organic textures of tabletop and lifestyle design objects.

STIK is a fashion photographer, filmmaker and music maker based in Brooklyn.OKI PROJECTS is a traveling studio focused on the design and crafting of leather bags.

OKI PROJECTS knew that her first curatorial project needed to feature STIK, but it took time to convince STIK to commit to the project and materialize her transmedia talents into Pink Noise. The courage of this decision in turn moved OKI PROJECTS to expand her design horizons to the practices of curation. Wanted Not Needed is the first expression of her private archive of independent artists, makers and designers, brought together for their shared architectural aesthetics and bold material explorations.

Wanted Not Needed features the work of designers rarely if ever seen in Korea. They range from objects for the tabletop to pieces for the home to little tools for the office. Some resonate with the organic forms of Brâncusi’s sculptures while others echo the saturated screens of an Almodóvar film. Mostly unnecessary and for that reason fully desirable.

Jeju is the home to which OKI PROJECTS regularly returns from her life in the US and travels around the world. The island’s rich natural environment, honest cuisine and creative energy is endlessly inspiring. But most of all it is her grandmother and the childhood memory of her quiet generosity and soft embrace that anchors OKI PROJECTS to Jeju. It is the only possible home from which to share the life of Jeju Brooklyn.  

Jeju Brooklyn 프로젝트는 이색적인 감성을 경험으로 이어주는 OKI PROJECTS 의 다이어그램이 담긴 공간이다 : 이미지 미디어, 신선한 구성의 사운드 그리고 오가닉한 질감의 테이블톱에서부터 라이프 스타일 디자인 오브제까지.

STIK은 브루클린을 기반으로 활동하는 사진작가이자 필름메이커이고 작곡가이다.

OKI PROJECTS는 여정(한공간에 정착하지 않고 시간과 공간을 담는)이 있는 레더크래프트 스튜디오다.

첫번째 전시 프로젝트는 STIK이다. STIK이어야만 한다. 수년 간의 설득 끝에  STIK은  OKI PROJECTS와 새로운 쳅터를 여는 작가로서 참여하게 된다. 분야를 넘나드는 트랜스미디어 아티스트 STIK의 재능은 PINK NOISE라는 주제로 Jeju Brooklyn에서  처음으로 선보이게 된다. STIK의 이런 과감한 결정은 OKI PROJECTS가 가진 디자인의 다양성을 큐레이션으로 표현하는데 큰 용기를 준다.

Wanted Not Needed는 OKI PROJECTS가 오랜 기간 동안 기록해 둔 프라이빗한 아카이브를 처음으로 선보이는 장으로 테이블 위의 오브제부터 오피스의 작은 소품까지 일부는 Constantin Brancusi의 유기적인 형태들로 가득하고 또다른 일부는 Pedro Almodovar의 영화 속 장면을 담은 강렬한 색채를 떠올리게 한다. 불필요하다고 하기에는 가치가 있는 Wanted Not Needed 는 아직 한국에는 소개된 적 없는 독립디자이너 브랜드들이 주를 이룬다.

제주는 OKI PROJECTS의 여정의 시작이고 끝이다.  이 섬에 가득한 풍광과 정직한 음식들 그리고 크리에이티브한 에너지들은 끊임없는 자극을 준다. 하지만 OKI PROJECTS를 제주로 이끄는 결정적인 이유는 할머니의 조용한 너그러움과 부드러운 포옹에 대한 어린 시절의 기억들이다. Jeju Brooklyn 의 라이프를 공유할 수 있는 곳은 오직 이곳, 제주에서만 가능하다.


curated by Hye Eun Yang


image, video and sound by STIK